This is my 'everyday blog' about living the life of a 'twenty something' girl in today's harsh society. Don't get me wrong, my life is by no means easy, but I am trying my hardest to live my life to the fullest with the Lord as my leader.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Not Much To Say...

I know that it has been a while since I posted last, but I just don't have much to say.
This past week was Spring Break and it ended with a beautiful (and annoying) snow storm.

I spent a few days with Kathy and her kids....
We had a ton of fun!

Rylee helping mom with a project for her room!
Rylee and Gunner playing in the kitchen
Rylee kept asking to wear Gunner's coat... so I put it on her!
Then she decided to play in the basket!

Over the break, I also got a some projects of my own done....

Oh and my sister comes in LESS THAN A WEEK!

Monday, March 15, 2010

I've been doing some thinking....

Okay, so over the past few weeks, I have done some hard thinking about things....
I know, me thinking is a scary thought for some of you, but in this case it's a good thing!

So... I have kinda been a real 'Negative Nancy' ever since my wreck.
(For those of you who don't know- I was in a pretty serious hit and run accident on Friday Feb.26th. I was in the parking lot of Michael's and Ulta @ 71st and Garnett. I was turning left into a row of parking spots when I was t-boned, on the drivers side, by a teenager driver. He was going between 30mph and 40mph IN A PARKING LOT when he hit me. Then shortly after the wreck he fled the area.)
I was so scared, frazzled, shaken up, confused, dizzy, and not to mention just flat out pissed off right after the accident happened-- I didn't have a chance to look at my car until a few days later. When I saw it, I nearly broke down in tears. It really made what happened "come to life" for me... as if the police, firemen, an ambulance ride, and a lovely hospital visit weren't enough...

I have been told countless times, my countless people, how lucky I am that he hit me right on the 'support bar' between my doors and not a few inches forward. This has really made me think about how truly lucky I am to be alive and all the thing I have to be thankful for that I so often over look.
I have tried not to take things for granted anymore. This is harder to do than I thought it would be... I have really realized all I have to be thankful for, not that I didn't before, but it's now in a new light for me.
I have so much more thankfulness in my heart for my wonderful family and friends. I am a much more cautious person, in general and driving. I am allow/making myself do new things! I am learning once again to take life one day at a time, and really trying to "live each day like its my last". I'm trying oh so hard to trust the Lord with EVERYTHING that I am and that I have. This of all things has been then hardest for me. I think it's mainly do to the fact that I am so strong willed (ha ha!) It's hard to relearn to let go control of your life and give it to Him, because He truly knows whats best for me.
I am also trying not the let the fear, of another wreck and driving, consume my thoughts. I have never really been scared to drive until now. I'm pretty sure that when most of you have said "are you scared to drive?" I've said no... and honestly- that's a lie. I just didn't want to admit that I was scared to get behind the wheel again. It's not because I of my own driving... it's because of the other people on the road and the uncertainty of what can happen literally in the blink of an eye. I am trying to get over this by driving as much I can/need to... But let me tell you... PARKING LOTS NOW SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME.... I know that sounds dumb, but it's the truth. I think people now saw "come on Grandma" to ME in parking lots. 'Cause I drive like -5mph and look and look again before I make any turns. (I know, I'm a dork!)

I would like to ask one thing of you... Would you please pray along side me and for me as I am relearning to let the Lord have control over my life and that His will, not my own will be done in my life?

Below are some picture of my car after the wreck....
Sorry they aren't that good, they were taking on a cell phone
Keep in mind... this damage happened IN A PARKING LOT....

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Day

So I spent the day with the Hitchcock kiddos...
Here are some pictures of our day!!

Fun @ bath time

Gunner doing "hop scotch"

Rylee loving swinging!!
So said that she couldn't swing... RIGHT THEN!

Friday, March 5, 2010

My New "Big Girl" Blog!

So I decided to make a new "big girl" blog that was more about my life as me, and less about my life as a babysitter/nanny. NO OFFENSE LADIES... I will still post some pictures and what not, but I just think this is a necessary step for me to take. Don't get me wrong, I still love all of you and all of your children!

In about 3 weeks...3 WEEKS...ONLY 3 WEEKS my sister (and brother in-law) will be coming home (to Tulsa) for a week and a half visit. I am beyond excited about this!! I haven't seen her (I mean them) since Christmas. I cannot wait to have me some 'sissy' time!!! :) While she is here, me, my mom, and my sister are going to have some spa time!!
Then a few days before Easter by brother will be coming into town.

Needless to say we are going to have a full and busy house during that week...
But I'm totally okay with that!
I've actually missed that.